Breakdown vs Carrydown

Transition is a reality for all bowlers, but not all transition is created equally. The amount and type of transition that bowlers see depends on who is bowling, the pattern being used, and what kinds of bowling balls are in play. However, it all comes down to how much breakdown and carrydown are being created, and this week’s tip is here to offer clarity on both of these elements of transition.

Breakdown vs. Carrydown

Transition consists of a combination of oil breakdown and oil carrydown. The relative amounts of breakdown and carrydown will vary, due mostly to the size and characteristics of the field, the lines being played, and the type of equipment being used.

Breakdown is the oil being removed from the lane. This happens most with sanded, high-flaring reactive resin balls that pull the oil off the lane with each shot. Expect to move inside quickly or change to weaker equipment when many of these balls are in play, particularly when the field’s rev rate is high.

Carrydown is the oil being dragged downlane by the bowling ball as it exits the oil pattern. This happens most with low-flaring, less absorbent balls such as polyester or urethane, but reactive resin balls can also create carrydown. Expect the lanes to get tighter downlane in a field with lots of urethane in play, or in a field with more low rev rate bowlers.

Courtesy of  “Bowling this Month


Improving Your Finish Position

The finish position is generally influenced by the footwork, timing, and swing that come before it. However, a bowler can still improve their finish position by isolating a few elements of the movement, which can then influence positions earlier in the approach. Release drills at the foul line or one-step slide drills are best for this kind of work.

Improving Your Finish Position

Several elements of the finish position can be improved with drills, such as foul line release drills and one-step drills. These include:

  • The follow through: Reach long and low, instead of up.
  • Center of gravity: Your center of gravity should be directly above your slide foot, with the weight evenly placed over the mid-foot.
  • Posture: Focus on keeping your posture upright enough so that your head is above your slide foot throughout the release.

Courtesy of  “Bowling this Month

Getting your Approach Started

The first step is a crucial part of the bowling delivery. Getting the timing right to synchronize your ball and feet, as well as the direction, will make all the difference later on in the approach.

Getting Your Approach Started

After taking your starting position, the next step is the first step. Getting going properly is important, so here are some tips for a fluid start to your approach:

  • Use a trigger: Tap your ball with a finger, wiggle your elbow, or use any other small movement to help yourself transition from stationary to moving. Make sure the trigger movement has the same rhythm as your ball start.
  • Lean into it: Before taking your first step, shift your weight slightly forward to help gain early momentum and begin getting your body into the right position.
  • Focus on a cue: Try to keep a single thought in your mind to cue your movement, such as “smooth,” or “in line with the target.”

Courtesy of  “Bowling this Month